"The Last Emperor" is a huge film, no other way to put it, spanning the first half of the 20th century through the life of, well it's right there in the title. With fantastic visuals, opulent sets and costumes, and a dramatic score this film conveys the grandeur and decay of the Chinese Empire and the rather rough birth of the modern Peoples' Republic.
The cinematography is breathtaking. From the Forbidden City and the stark realities of the Chinese Revolution, this is an epic. Yet it stays within the personal scale of the lives of a few individuals.
John Lone delivers a captivating performance as Pu Yi. We follow the emperor's transformation from a pampered child through re-education and the cultural revolution, to a disillusioned adult, to a nondescript elderly gardener. The supporting cast, including Joan Chen and Peter O'Toole, also deliver strong performances.
Great historical drama and simply great filmmaking. Settle in, this one is a long journey.
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